Site Attributes Table:
Field Name | Description |
PointID | Identification number unique to R-ArcticNET - same value as ID field in Discharge Data. |
Code | Code number carried over from USGS, Environment Canada and the State Hydrological Institute |
Lat | Latitude of the river gauge location in decimal degrees |
Long | Longitude of the river gauge location in decimal degrees |
DArea | Gross drainage area of river basin upstream from the river gauge |
Source | Source of data. Can have the value:
HCDN - Hydro-Climatic Data Network Hydat - Environment Canada SHI - State Hydrological Institute, St. Petersburg, Russia UNESCO - UNESCO - RivDis v1.0 |
Name | Station name as given by the appropriate agency. |
HydroZone | The Pan-Arctic spatial subdivision used to collect the into meaningful
hydrologically defined regions.
The hydrological zones have the following values: Lena - Lena basin with the Indigirka and Kolyma basins Mackenzie - Entire Mackenzie basin, Peel R., Arctic Archipelago, Back R.,Coppermine R. Nelson - Nelson River basin North European Russia - Russian basins west of the Ural Mountains draining to the Barents Sea including Pechora, Mezen and Dvina R. Northwest Hudson Bay - West side of Hudson Bay with the Churchill and Baker R. Ob - Ob basin with Nadym, Pur and Taz R. Scandinavia - Norwegian and Icelandic basins South and East Hudson Bay Basins - from Quebec, Ontatio and eastern Manitoba including La Grande, Albany and Severn R. Yenisei - Yenisei River basin gauges Yukon - Alaskan basins from Yukon and north including the Kobuk and the Noatak |
River Discharge Table:
Field Name | Description |
ID | Identification number unique to R-ArcticNET - same value as PointID field in Site Attributes |
Year | of monthly data |
Jan | Mean monthly discharge in m3 s-1 for the month of January |
Feb | Mean monthly discharge in m3 s-1 for the month of February |
Mar | Mean monthly discharge in m3 s-1 for the month of March |
Apr | Mean monthly discharge in m3 s-1 for the month of April |
May | Mean monthly discharge in m3 s-1 for the month of May |
Jun | Mean monthly discharge in m3 s-1 for the month of June |
Jul | Mean monthly discharge in m3 s-1 for the month of July |
Aug | Mean monthly discharge in m3 s-1 for the month of August |
Sep | Mean monthly discharge in m3 s-1 for the month of September |
Oct | Mean monthly discharge in m3 s-1 for the month of October |
Nov | Mean monthly discharge in m3 s-1 for the month of November |
Dec | Mean monthly discharge in m3 s-1 for the month of December |